From: Sheila Molino

I first met Cliff at Charles T Myers.  I think it was probably 2018 at the start of the fall programming season.  This was my first volunteer assignment as a newly trained Level I coach.  


We got off to a questionable start.  Cliff was always diligent about sending emails to participants’ families and to his coaches each week before class.  I didn’t yet know that, but had been told to expect an email from Cliff about class.  Well, that never arrived, but I wasn’t concerned.  


So the first day of the season arrived and it was raining buckets all day.  I waited and waited for notification that class had been cancelled, but nothing came.  I drove to the course and found it closed, so I called Brittnay to check on the status of class, which she confirmed was cancelled.  I drove home wondering what I’d signed up for!


The following week I arrived and got to meet Cliff.  Reta was there and we’d gone through Level I training together so that let me know I was going to enjoy volunteering.  Cliff was apologetic in his humble way about the email address mixup and then we were off to the business of getting ready for the class. One thing he always did was talk with his volunteers about what he wanted them to do during class.  Being my first time, I really just wanted to observe and though I don’t recall what he asked, I’m sure he took it easy on me.  As I continued, he encouraged me, like all his volunteers, to take on more and more active roles in the intro, class activities and wrap up.  


From that first class, Cliff’s love of children and First Tee poured out.  He knew the participants’ names from the first time he met them.  He gave encouragement generously and offered suggestions sparingly.  He had a gift for allowing each child to find their swing and making them feel special.  And that extended to all the coaches and volunteers who worked alongside him.


I recall a particular participant who was in several seasons the three of us, Cliff, Reta and I coached.  Leia, is a sweet young lady who usually came with her grandfather.  Cliff enjoyed talking with her grandfather and Leia’s dad as much as he enjoyed teaching the children.  Leia had a pink shafted putter she called the pink panther.  Cliff brought out the best in that delightful young lady, not only encouraging her to develop her golf skills, but helping her embrace First Tee’s core values and become participant of the year.


Cliff was generous with his time given to the participants.  He frequently played rounds with them at CTM.  Two of his prodigies include Ella Couper and Kaylee Nguyen.  In addition to playing many rounds of golf with these young ladies, he helped develop their leadership skills as they became youth coaches in his classes.  What a joy it was to watch these two smart, accomplished golfers grow into confident leaders with their own style of coaching influenced by Cliff’s gentle,encouraging approach.


He was a man I admire greatly because of his calm and always joyful demeanor.  I never saw Cliff become frustrated or angry.  Each encounter he greeted me with a smile and a handshake.  Whatever the challenge he devised a solution without drama. And I never heard him utter an unkind word about another person.


He enjoyed being around the folks of First Tee and got Darren involved as well.  Darren was gracious to donate time at Top Golf so coaches and participants could gather in the off season for camaraderie and some friendly competition.  He was naturally someone who attracted people to gather and enjoy each other’s friendship.


Charles T Myers will forever be synonymous with Cliff in my memories of him.  Greeting coaches as we arrive for class,heading to the par three with the participants or heading to the first tee for a quick 9 before class or a slow 18 when we didn’t have class.  Each hole holds memories of something said or a shot hit or putt made.  I’ll forever see him there with his green Spartans golf bag, hand extended and smiling face.


He was one of a kind and yet one we need more to be more like.  I still cannot believe he has left this earth, but he will not leave our hearts.  


Thank you Cliff for the joy and the gifts you brought our lives.  You will be dearly missed as you are truly loved for the beautiful person you were.


From: Kevin Wiley