From: Kevin Wiley
Our family was small growing up. Besides my immediate family of amazing parents and an older sibling, I always looked forward to seeing my other small family: A grandmother and grandfather that set the foundation for us and were everything to me and whom I looked up to. A few incredibly sweet aunts. One of which was our backbone, and a couple cousins I absolutely adored an hour away. I don’t remember too much of my other small family in Houston as a little kid, but until pre-teens that all changed. I became impressed with how my uncle, who I didn’t really know too much of yet besides pictures and stories, made it a point to be present in our lives. Whether it was always writing to us, calling us, or going out of his way to visit us in California, my heart started to fill with love towards this newer family. It felt amazing to feel as though my family wasn’t so small after all. How cool it was that I could proudly boast to my friends and classmates that I had awesome relatives in Texas. Then the connection kept growing. Once cousin Darren got his driver’s license and moved to New Mexico state for college, he continued that loving tradition of making sure to visit us all the time and keep in touch. I was in awe. How can someone growing up so far away and a handful of years apart in age, be so alike. I loved it when uncle Cliff brought along cousin Heather, nothing but joy to be around her sweetness and loving positivity. I cherished the great times with my fellow birthday twin aunt Denise, I knew how special it was to be in her presence since someone had to hold down the fort while uncle Cliff was in town. I saw why she was the love of your life. To my fellow sports fanatic uncle, I can never thank you enough for not only your love and care for me, but for extending that love to 3 more beautiful souls in our life.
I will never forget the hospitality you showed when visiting Charlotte, “y’all” made me feel as though all that mattered that week, were us Wiley’s. Oh, and that trail by your house! Such beautiful views as the seasons changed in October.
One of my fondest memories of us will always be that night we spent New Year’s Eve together at the bar watching your beloved Michigan State. It was endless laughs, talking nonstop about sports, your family, and filling you in on life now that I had a lot more to share in my twenties. Something I never thought would happen, a Sparty football game became background noise rather than a huge bowl game that was must viewing. We hit the pool tables and threw darts while indulging in your favorite beer while in town, that smooth 805.
I can’t stop wondering about the St. Patty’s trip I had to cancel just a few days before when this pandemic hit. I was looking forward to painting the Las Vegas strip green with you and Darren, and so eager to make up for that lost time and go even bigger once the world settled down a bit. Instead, I will affectionately look back on the many memories we created together.
Until we meet again with a big ol’ family reunion up above. I know Grammy and Grampa are proud of you. I love you uncle Cliff, I will always miss you.
Your nephew,