From: Carolyn Nelford (Sister)
Always the big brother watching out for and having endless patience with his two sisters. Always the peacemaker and eager to help. No unkind words spoken, looked for the best in others. Always appreciative. Stoic in handling life’s many challenges. Other than his love for his family and his love of golf, his love of the ocean, Atlantic or Pacific, was profound and provided him great joy, solace and renewal.
Devoted husband, father, friend, son, brother. His virtues outweighed any vices. A good, good man.
Greatly loved by his nieces and nephews who all have wonderful memories of times shared with him.
His little great niece Daly loved her Uncle Cliff and especially their times together at miniature golf and is proud of the “Hole in One Certificate” he made just for her and the special First Tee hat he gave her.