From: Cara Capuano
When I first started to volunteer with The First Tee of Greater Charlotte, it didn't take me long to recognize which of the "seasoned coaches" I wanted to be paired with to work with the kids. There are certain volunteers who have an incredible knack for both relating beautifully to young people and seamlessly teaching the game and our First Tee core values together. For me, Cliff will always be at the top of that list. I learned so much from watching him in those early days, picking up all of his fantastic tips and absorbing his superb coaching style. Soon, we weren't paired together anymore - the master had taught another pupil, and it was time for me to demonstrate what I had learned from him to the next "newer" volunteers who were paired with me. Thank you, Cliff. You helped to make me a better teacher.
I'll never forget the first time I was invited to play golf with Cliff. With our "coaching hats" off, this time we were just players enjoying each other's company in a foursome that typically featured other First Tee coaches. Or were we? Because every treasured occasion that I enjoyed the absolute pleasure of playing golf with Cliff, he would slide in tiny tips to help improve my game during the round. He had such a gift for patience, observation, and knowing just what to say to coach each person in a way that we'd understand. Thank you, Cliff. You helped to make me a better golfer.As our friendship grew over the years, what I came to appreciate most about Cliff was his genuine interest and care for people. It showed up every single time we were in the same space together. He always asked about how I was doing and followed up with pointed questions - doing so with concentrated eye contact and authentic interest. When Cliff talked to you, he really engaged you in the conversation. Early on, I watched him do that with the young people of the First Tee... then I was lucky to be on the receiving end of that special level of kindness and connection. Thank you, Cliff. You helped to make me a better communicator.
Being Cliff's friend helped to make me a better person. I'll never forget his unique lessons, and I'll always be grateful for the time we spent together.
Final thought - the photo galleries are truly marvelous. This website absolutely captures the stated goal of a "Celebration of his life." Really well done, Darren. Thank you for taking the time to share it with all of us.
By the way, I never knew your Dad was such a striking brunette! Nor did I know you were such a TOWHEAD as a baby! Little blondie! And there are some shots of your Dad's younger days, with his longer hair and stylin' clothes, that really brought a smile to my face.
If there's anything else I can do from afar to help you through this sad and trying time, please let me know.
You and your family are in my heart -